Friday, September 27, 2013

Asbestos Lung Disease

Asbestos lung disease is the disease which occurs because of any asbestos breathed in the body. Asbestos is a mineral which is made up tiny fibers. It is commonly used in many industries. When you inhale asbestos, the tiny fibers will stay in your lungs in long time. The fibers will build up in the lung and cause some lung problems such as lung cancer, pleural plaque, pleural effusion, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. Here are more about some lung problems caused by asbestos.

Type of Asbestos related lung disease
a.      Lung cancer
Lung cancer is formed in the lung tissue. This type of cancer will occur in the cells which line the air passages.
b.      Pleural plaque
Pleural plaque is the condition in which the tissue around the lungs and the muscle before the lungs is getting hard and thick. This tissue is known as pleura, that’s why the hard pleura called pleural plaque. The sufferers usually feel no symptoms when they have pleural plaque. Pleural plaque will be seen in X-ray image as a mass in the lungs.
c.       Pleural effusion
Pleural effusion is the condition in which there is any excess fluid building up in the pleural space. Pleural space is between the lungs and chest wall.
d.      Asbestosis
Asbestosis is asbestos lung disease which leads to lung cancer especially for those who are smoking. Asbestosis is the condition in which the lung tissue is getting scarred.
e.      Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is the cancer of mesothelium or the tissue lining the lungs, stomach, heart and other organs. If you inhaled asbestos particles in long period, you will have greater risk to get mesothelioma. While mesothelioma is rare cancer, it is serious type of lung cancer. Mesothelioma is one of asbestos lung disease which can start from the lungs, abdomen, or any other organs. 

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